[AIP-54] Approve POL for Optimism Liquidity


Json (Aura Finance Contributor)


This proposal seeks approval from the Aura Treasury to bridge protocol owned liquidity to Optimism and to provide up to 5% of protocol owned liquidity (POL) of AURA-wETH for liquidity natively.


Aura, in collaboration with Beethoven X and Balancer, has seen incredible growth and development on key layer 2 networks. Moreover, it has become evermore apparent from ecosystem partners that they would like to continue building on top of Aura and Balancer. Seeding protocol owned liquidity on Optimism will help to accomplish this.

Furthermore, Aura is currently executing an Optimism growth campaign, funded in part by an Optimism Grant, to help scale the ecosystem. The program has been largely a success, helping to fuel value capture, fees, volume, and revenue. The success of the grant can be followed on a public Dune dashboard designed to monitor the program. Aura would like to continue this success by allowing for integration opportunities via native Optimism liquidity.

Upon community approval, Aura DAO will deposit liquidity into Balancer on Optimism. The creation of this pool will unlock the ability for Optimism users to trade AURA on Optimism and increase protocol integration potential.


This proposal seeks approval on the creation of a AURA-OP pool on Optimism with up to 5% of POL. Aura DAO will redeem 5% of the 80-20 pool on mainnet, then bridge the ETH and AURA over, and finally create the POL on Optimism.

The POL will be held in Aura’s treasury on Optimism.


This vote will be a single-choice vote. You may vote “For” or “Against” this proposal, or choose to abstain from the vote. By voting “For” this proposal, you are voting in favor of approving the Aura Treasury to provide up to 5% of POL for liquidity on Optimism.


Aura Contributors support this proposal. Good morning.

Great proposal. Aura liquidity is definitely needed on Optimism to further expand its presence.


Seems like a good plan. Will make the OP people happy.