[Temperature Check] Reduce AURA minted per BAL

In many pools, the boosted rewards achieved from the veBAL AURA controls outweighs the value of the AURA emitted. I propose reducing the number of AURA minted per BAL for liquidity providers to 0. This will reduce APRs but allow them to remain above what would be achieved depositing through Balancer. The remaining allocation of AURA would be held for use by government.

This proposal is not beneficial to liquidity providers, but they have been getting a good deal for quite a while and it is time to reign that in. Note that this temp check is more than open for discussion, as maintaining liquidity is of utmost priority.

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Hey Sauce, Thanks for putting up this temp check! I think your proposal is directionally aligned with some of the discussions we’ve been having in the community Discord and the broader goals we’re working towards.

There are a few key factors to consider when adjusting emissions, which I’ve been outlining in a draft AIP focused on AURA emissions. I hope to share it soon, and I believe it will complement and build upon the ideas you’ve presented here. Looking forward to continuing the discussion!

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