[Temperature Check] DeRisk partnership

Hi, I’m writing to you regarding partnership

Our product call DeRisk

DeRisk itself was conceptualized to address the inherent risks in the DeFi lending sector. As an open-source platform, DeRisk focuses on monitoring and forecasting the risk of loans, primarily those at risk of going under the water, to protect lending protocols and their users. By providing an “early warning” system, DeRisk aims to enhance capital efficiency and security within the DeFi ecosystem

I would be glad to hear back from you, thank you
Best Regards, Stanislav

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hello. Thanks for your message. You mention a partnership: can you detail what you are offering, and what are you asking in return from the AuraDAO?

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Often seen positive comments about aura, cool that you are doing
Working with liquidity and yield in DeFi is something that is very close to us

We can provide:

  • Shared cross-protocol insights
  • Reduced cost of capital
  • Insurance on risky loans

Could you share your vision and tell us more? Maybe we find a way to collaborate

Or we can jump on a call? Please share your calendly and I will provide more detail

Thanks for your message, but I didn’t follow the rationale, tbh. If you are proposing a partnership, please clarify what you intend to do for AuraDAO, and how much you would charge for that, so we can evaluate it.

Have a nice day!

Can I ask for your telegram or discord?

If u interested of course